Char Wong from Cal RTA on Retirement

Former MVTA President, Char Wong, representing Cal RTA (California Retired Teachers Association), spoke in front of the Representative Council meeting yesterday at Cogswell. She encouraged any teachers that are 3-5 years out from retirement to see a retirement counselor.

Char Wong shared that once a teacher retires they are no longer paying into STRS (State Teachers’ Retirement System) and they are no longer paying union dues. So those deductions will no longer be taken out of your check. Teachers would also automatically get a COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment) increase every two years.

It’s natural to have questions and concerns about retirement, please take the time to call one of the Cal STRS Member Service Centers in Glendale, Irvine, Riverside, or Santa Clara.

Link to Cal STRS Member Service Centers:

Link to Cal RTA: